
Jun 18, 20212 min

6 Questions With Natalia...

This is our chance to get to know someone better who is working in the craft beer industry in Western Canada.

1. Who are you? 

Hi! My name is Natalia, I use she/ her pronouns and I’m a bisexual queen from Poland, living my best life in Vancouver, BC. Before moving to Canada, I spent few years working in the UK and that’s where I’ve found both craft beer and my gorgeous girlfriend, Maddie. I like to travel, skateboard, cook, and of course, I love beer.

2. What do you do? 

I currently work as an Assistant Brewer at Settlement Brewing Collective. What’s super fun about this place is that not only do we brew and experiment with our own beers, but we contract brew for both established and upcoming breweries; sometimes we even get to work with wine or cider. It’s a busy little space, full of creative people with many great ideas and I am loving every minute of working here!

Prior to this I used to be a bartender, first back in the UK and most recently at Container Brewing in East Van.

I’m also a Certified ,Cicerone, currently studying for my Advanced level as well as planning on becoming a beer judge by the end of this year.

3. What is your biggest pet peeve about the industry? 

There’s definitely a few…

Starting with the fact that our beloved beer industry is still so full of sexism, racism, homophobia and bigotry and it lacks diversity and safe spaces.

Also, the fact that certain beers and/ or glassware are seen as “girly” while other are considered more “masculine” is beyond me. Beer has no gender!

And lastly, lactose… lactose everywhere.

4. What do you love most about working in the industry?

What I love about beer in general, is that the more you know, the more you don’t know- one could spend a lifetime exploring, learning, discovering, brewing and tasting beer and still wouldn’t come anywhere near knowing it all.

What I love about the beer scene in Vancouver specifically, is the sense of true community- you often see breweries sharing ideas and resources, collaborating, promoting each other and helping each other out. I think that’s pretty awesome!

5. What is your favourite beer right now?

Old Money - English mild by Brassneck. Unreal️.

6. What local charity should we be paying attention to?

Please consider supporting Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS) - a Vancouver based organisation that works towards ending violence against women.

Follow Natalia on Instagram @nat_andrzejczak & Settlement Brewing at @settlementbrewing
